Sunday 23 September 2018

winston playing on a windowsill

Hello! Sory for not posting for a long time, I focused on other things but I'm back. :) My rats have grown a lot as you can see. Here's the first photo of Winston in autumn.

Saturday 28 April 2018

things you should know before getting a rat

First of all - rats, like every other animal are not toys. Getting an animal is a big responsiblity for the next years. Make sure you can give your rat the best home possible.

1. Rats can be noisy in the night, but I got used to it even though cage is in my bedroom.

2. Cleaning cage at least once a week is a minimum.

3. Rats are very inteligent animals. They can learn very quickly and do many, many tricks if you teach them properly. You have to be patient, because teaching a trick can take from several minutes to months.

4. Lonely rat is very sad and will probably die earlier. If you're getting a rat for the first time, get at least two.

5. Rats live about 2 or 3 years.

6. Check out my list with things to feed your rat with - click

7. The size of the cage must be at least 60x40x60 centimeters (which is about 24x16x24 inches). The bigger cage is and more levels it has, better it is.

8. Rats have personalities. I have two rats who are very diffrent. One is very energetic, brave and confident and the second one is very shy, always scared of everyting and very careful, but he's more cuddly.

9. Rats love places to hide. Hammocks are a good solution. I also made my rats some pillows and they really like it

Saturday 7 April 2018

what to feed your rat with?

What your rat can eat:
- apple
- beetroot
- broccoli
- carrot
- chicken or fish (boiled without spices)
- corn flakes
- corn
- cucumber
- egg
- natural yoghurt
- pasta
- plum
- potato
- raspberry
- strawberry
- tomato (without green parts)
- dry foods

What your rat can't eat:
- sweets
- alcohol
- spiced meals
- fruit seeds
- citruses
- sodas

Sunday 1 April 2018

the end of march

Presenting new photos of my little rats that I found really cute (yes, Winston is yawning in the second picture and I'm in love with that photo).

Wednesday 21 March 2018

four new photos of winston and nelson

Today and yesterday I took some pictures of my little rats and I really liked some of them, so here they are :)

Saturday 17 March 2018

some photos of winston and nelson

Today is the day i got my two baby rats - Winston and Nelson. They are 1 month old dumbo rats. I took some pictures of them while they were playing and getting to know their new home. :) These are my favourite photos of them: