Thursday 26 December 2019

what we've been up to

Long time no see on this blog :) I focused on other blogs and on my new school  because I just started high school and I wanted to make the best first impressions. I think I did fine! Anyways, a lot has happened since September the 9th - my last post.

In my last post I was writing about my plans for my rat, because I was left with one - Nelson. Me and my family were looking for a company for him. We didn't want him to be lonely after the loss of his brother - Winston. We were losing hopes, it seemed like no one wants to sell their pet rats or give them away, so we were going through a rough time...

Finally, we found 2 perfect, tiny brothers for him. And surprise, surprise: we named them Zuko and Albert. Here they are!


On the left side you can see Albert and on the right side you can of course see Zuko :) They're so lovely and playful! They also like to pose for the pictures and they yawn all the time so I can say that i have quite a collection of "yawn pictures" :D

But what happened to Nelson? Well, the same thing as with Winston :( But it was way more quicker. One day he was playing with his friends and the other day he was sick, couldn't eat or even walk. We took him immediately to the vet and she gave him some meds. Honestly, I just didn't want him to suffer. But he left us knowing that he had a loving family. :)

Rest in peace my baby boy ♥
(14th February 2018 - 31st October 2019)

PS.: Happy holidays! I hope you have a peaceful, lovely time with you family.

Monday 9 September 2019

my new plan

After Winston died, his brother - Nelson, was left alone and I really want to find him a new friend. So I'm looking for new ratties and hopefully I'll get two more boys to accompany him.

Another thing I've been thinking about is the title of this blog. At the moment it's "winston and nelson". One part of me wants to change it and come up with something new, move on from the sad memories, but the other part wants to keep everything just the way it is (and also give a small tribute to Winnie). Right now it's going to stay as "winston and nelson" and we'll see whatever comes up in the future.

Last week I started school and I'm actually a freshman in highschool so I want to give a good first impression, so I'm really focusing on school and studying a lot lately.

I think that's it for today. See you later!

rest in peace my sweet angel

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to Winston. He felt really sick about two weeks ago and on Wednesday his condition only got worse. He could barely walk and we had feed him. We took him to the vet and it looked like everything is going to be alright, but on the Sunday morning we noticed an unexpected deterioration of his health.

He was our family member and my best friend, who would always make me smile. Winston was also my first rat and he made me fall in love with rats and he gave me the best very first experiences with these animals. I will never forget the moments I spent with him. Rest well up there.




Saturday 1 June 2019

update: June 2019

Wow, I haven't posted in a while! Not many people read this blog, but I enjoy writing down all the memories with my little boys.  I'ts been almost eight months since I've written a new post, but don't worry, Nelson and Winston are healthy and happy.

Summer is coming and I'm going to have more free time, so I'm thinking of decorating my rat's cage a bit more (I have a Perfect Maxi Cage, and I definetely recommend it!). I'm thinking of making a post of the bost toys for pet rats, and another one with DIY toys. That would be helpful, wouldn't it? Anyways, here are some of the most recent photos of the ratties:

You can see Nelson on the first two photos and then Winston in the last one.
+ Happy Children's Day!