Friday 16 October 2020

update: October 2020


Woah, what a year. It's not over yet but so many things have happened. I wanted to make an update on my bois. Last time i wrote here they were still babies!

After so many months of observation I noticed what are they like. Albert gets jealous very easily - when I'm petting Zuko he immediately rushes to get some attention too. He loves hoarding food in corners of the cage and he likes to sleep on kitchen towels.

I noticed that Zuko gets pretty moody. He's more athletic and brave than his brother but he still prefers to sleep all day. Both of them love pasta. I also give them biscuits with they gladly eat and I laso often give them cottage cheese. But that's an essential party in my rats' diet. :)

Anyways, here are some photos. I'll also make sure to update the "about my rats page". Since I'm in lockdown (again) I'll have a lot of time to do that and also play with my bois.